Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Good Day! Heritage Breed Lonzino and St-Canut Farm Bacon

HELL YA! I can go home and sleep well tonight knowing its all packed up!

St-Canut Farms bacon fresh from the smoker + cup of coffee = good times. This is really good pork for making bacon with! :)

I started this at the end of November and just cut it down today. It is a Large Black Heritage Breed Hog Loin from Barbara at cured in the style of lonzino. It has a complex flavour and melt in your mouth boar characteristics of the Large Blacks. Worth the wait? Ohh ya!

These are some smoked farmers sausage still warm from the smoker. Bbq sauce/beans/slaw. All right if I have too......


  1. Jeff...check this menu out, i really love the whole sustainability of it, and the amount of artisan skill that I could only imagine would have to be brought to the table in order to execute it properly-

  2. You're the hardest working Chef I know man. Your products are amazing and supremely executed. Great work.

  3. Thanks man! That menu has a lot to read on it. I would be pissed off as a customer I think. For me, I want to read the menu for what it is. You should all ready know walking into a place like this that your eating local food/produce. Chances are you server will remind you again as you sit down. Then when your handed the menu again you are reminded that they are a "farm to fork" restaurant. Its a bit overkill. Food sounds good though.:)
